Stylish Blogger Award *
My very first blog award for 2011 is here and it is for my new food blog! 
The Stylish Blogger Award for Makan-Makan @ Mariuca was given to me by Denesa from Parent Times. Thank you very much for this inspirational award, I love it!
The Rules for the award are:
1. Thank and link back the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 great bloggers you know.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
I am passing this award to everyone who has been so supportive here at MMM. Thank you for your wonderful show of support for my food blog via your EC drops and EC ads, visits and comments!
And in no particular order, I am happy to present the Stylish Blogger Award to ... Sandee, LR, Emila, Monica, Ayie, Lady Java, BlueDreamer, Maitri, GG, Bill, Foong, Caroline, Ane, Bella and last but definitely not least Nessa!
Seven things about yours truly...
* Love perfume
* Love writing and blogging
* Love fluffy cats
* Love PC Games
* Love being a couch potato
* Love being a VIRGO
* Love coffee

The Stylish Blogger Award for Makan-Makan @ Mariuca was given to me by Denesa from Parent Times. Thank you very much for this inspirational award, I love it!
The Rules for the award are:
1. Thank and link back the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 great bloggers you know.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
I am passing this award to everyone who has been so supportive here at MMM. Thank you for your wonderful show of support for my food blog via your EC drops and EC ads, visits and comments!

And in no particular order, I am happy to present the Stylish Blogger Award to ... Sandee, LR, Emila, Monica, Ayie, Lady Java, BlueDreamer, Maitri, GG, Bill, Foong, Caroline, Ane, Bella and last but definitely not least Nessa!

Seven things about yours truly...
* Love perfume
* Love writing and blogging
* Love fluffy cats
* Love PC Games
* Love being a couch potato
* Love being a VIRGO
* Love coffee